#honed #ohsho #kamisori
🔎 Shapton Glass 2k, 6kHR, 10k, finished with tomo #1 on 石19 Karasu
shapton glass 1k, 4k, 8k
finished on Shohonyama Ozuku (石3)
result — excellent, probably best edge yet; easy xtg and agt upper lip; comfortable edge, no bite, no burn
#honed #Schulze #石3
as rec’d
20k Suehiro Gokumyo
#honed #Junker #n471 #gok20
2k, 6k, 10k Shapton Glass
atoma 1200 nagura
石12 Kiita Koppa thick slurry
thin slurry to trace
#honed #石12 #Tuckmar #n555