#sotd #DublDuckGoldedge #WaldA1 #TruefittHill #Apsley #Fine #LOrangeNoir 🔎 as rec’d Max
#sotd #DublDuckGoldedge #WaldA1 #TruefittHill #Apsley #Fine #LOrangeNoir 🔎 as rec’d Max
#sotd #UnspecifiedSwedish #LoiseauPlaceVendôme #Simpson #Emperor3TwoBandSilvertip #TruefittHill #Apsley — sadly I think my skin has a reaction to the soap; will try the aftershave some time in combination with a different soap to see if the reaction is to the soap itself or the scent.
🔎 as rec’d GSG
#sotd #Heljestrand #MK33 #Simpson #Keyhole4Best #TruefittHill #Apsley
Testing needed to isolate the source of some slight generalized irritation: brush, soap, or edge?